“Make a Fresh Start in the New Year with the highest level Strategic Leadership Qualification available”. What????

Do you ever see things and do a quick double take because you can’t believe what you saw?

I often do, as when I read the heading above, which then told me the Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM) Level 7 award in Strategic Leadership costs from only £500. Isn’t that just great? I can be a leader for £500!

This, like so much on the internet, is sheer, unadulterated moonshine. Having led one or two organisations, usually in exactly the wrong direction, I am here to tell you that no £500 diploma would have been much good to Alexander the Great, Napoleon, Attila the Hun or any other of those types. It took me 21 years of trial, error and study to become even an indifferent leader.
Actually I find the idea of this Institute ludicrous, and have a strong feeling that the only people to do well out of it in the New Year will be those who run it.
Another thing that caught my eye just now was a headline from an Aussie ad magazine that read, “Ad industry vows greater online transparency”. A great example of how to be simultanously pompous and completely incomprehensible. No wonder advertising is in trouble.
Have you noticed how the word “vows” often precedes a lie? Yesterday I saw the Ineffectual Toad “vows” to protect Cadbury’s workers. How? Just as the day before I wondered how Smoothy Cameron is only going to have “elite” teachers. Where will he find them? From amongst all those who’ve been so badly educated since his hero the despicable money-mad Bliar made “education, education, education” his top priority 13 years ago?
Rogues and politicians (what’s the difference?) only get away with these lies because most people don’t stop and think.
This reminds me, yesterday there was a minor kerfuffle on one of these online anorak forums about a video I posted. In it I said nearly websites make up to 5 basic, crass mistakes which we cure in a few weeks for far too little money. Some fool with too little work to do pointed out that the website this led to had missed quite a few tricks in the wonderful realm of SEO and all that jazz.
I immediately recalled George Bernard Shaw’s joke about the man who “seized the wrong end of the stick and belaboured his opponent with it.” This is because it wasn’t a website, but a landing page with a specific purpose; it was put together literally in minutes; its only job was to get enquiries; and it did that admirably well (unlike most of the ideas I’ve had over the years).
What was a real hoot was that the nitpicker who was talking such uninformed drivel makes every one of these basic errors on his own site. Another wag said I looked like Donald Duck on the video, which may well be true, but didn’t stop it doing a great job.
Next time I’m going to wear a Pippa Pig costume (I LOVE you, Pippa. Honest. I have a great picture of you in Peter Jones … but that’s enough romance for today).
If you click below you can see my Donald Duck, and the offending page too. I admit it is pretty ropey – but it was done even quicker than the landing page. (Isn’t Donald Duck rhyming slang for something or other?)

See the page here

About the Author

In 2003, the Chartered Institute of Marketing named Drayton one of 50 living individuals who have shaped today’s marketing.

He has worked in 55 countries with many of the world’s greatest brands. These include American Express, Audi, Bentley, British Airways, Cisco, Columbia Business School, Deutsche Post, Ford, IBM, McKinsey, Mercedes, Microsoft, Nestle, Philips, Procter & Gamble, Toyota, Unilever, Visa and Volkswagen.

Drayton has helped sell everything from Airbus planes to Peppa Pig. His book, Commonsense Direct and Digital Marketing, out in 17 languages, has been the UK’s best seller on the subject every year since 1982. He has also run his own businesses in the U.K., Portugal and Malaysia.

He was a main board member of the Ogilvy Group, a founding member of the Superbrands Organisation, one of the first eight Honorary Fellows of the Institute of Direct Marketing and one of the first three people named to the Hall of Fame of the Direct Marketing Association of India. He has also been given Lifetime Achievement Awards by the Caples Organisation in New York and Early To Rise in Florida.


  1. lurafrazey

    What? I don't have to pay my dues in time and mistakes?? I wanna be a leader for $500!

    But seriously, love anything that finds a perfect use for “kerfuffle.”

  2. Emma

    Hey Drayton,
    If you had bothered to read the post on the forum you would have seen that the post in question did not refer to SEO. Perhaps you should take time to looks at other peoples views or are you too filled with your own importance ? Perhaps it is you that is the fool!.Those ' Anoraks' could have been potential customers, very smart!

  3. It is a really, really good advertisement speech. One of the best i have seen – better say listened to – in years.

  4. draytonbird

    Oh dear, Emma. You're quite right. What an old buffoon I am! I should never write stuff first thing in the morning – but I usually do. This does not alter three facts: 1. What I put up was a landing page. 2. It did very well despite the irrelevant comments. 3. I never made any money from anoraks. Is the toast of Wellingborough a friend of yours, by the way? What really worries me is a far greater error. I can probably – just about – manage without your perceptive comments, but I spelt Peppa Pig's name wrong, even though I have actually written copy for her. Will she ever forgive me, lovely creature?

  5. billtoebes

    Drayton I like the things you wrote and write. I think most of life is one Kerfuflle after the other.Although Casells New English Dictionary does not define the word.I have had many kerfuffle's because some one put the Kibosh on me and I did nothing kicksywicksy to deserve it.There this should be worth 500 at least.i take paypal, check ,but prefer cash.I think I'll just go home in a kibitka it is all I can afford at the moment

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