Smirking Mandy takes piss – again

I see Lord Mandelbum has taken time off from his task of making sure the Bliar’s lies about the Iraq war are not revealed to say something risibly hypocritical even by his obscenely subterranean standards.

The “Business Secretary” whose chief business experience is in force-feeding his bulging wallet with our money said “The government is not some giant ATM in which inefficient failing businesses can come and get any sort of bailout or subsidy when they get themselves into trouble. It’s not the government’s money, it’s the taxpayers’.”

This piece of two-faced bollocks brings a magnificent new dimension to the phrase “you patronising wanker.”

This insane, can’t-count government continues to squeeze businesses so as to subsidise hopelessly mis-employed public servants in such demented tasks as making sure there are enough gay, transgendered and bisexual fire-“persons” around.

It is people in real business who work ever longer hours while these understandably demotivated souls with fantasy jobs take twice as many “sick” days off as people in the real world.

It is people in real business whose nervous breakdowns pay for the pensions of the monstrous regiment of drunks and freeloaders like Mandy-Pandy in the parliaments here and in Europe.

It is people in real business who are forced to waste ever more precious time and energy filling in the crazed, toppling mountain of incomprehensible forms Bliar and McToad have introduced in their drive to create a Stalinist control state.

By the way, Mandy’s speech referred to one of the rail firms which, like so many cock-ups, were called into life by that giant ATM machine he has so lucratively adorned: the British government.

You can blame the last Tory shower for the loopy rail set-up; and I wouldn’t count on the next to sort it out. Cameron’s business experience was in PR – or organised lying. Not a good augury.

The most worrying thing about Mandelson to me is that he is clearly the cleverest of the lot in the Mad Kingdom of Bloato. Unfortunately like many clever men he takes the rest of us for idiots.

On anothet topic, today most people in England were hoping Andy Murray would win at Wimbledon.

If he were English many, perhaps most Scots would have been supporting his opponent. A shame, and a sad comment on our disunited kingdom.

About the Author

In 2003, the Chartered Institute of Marketing named Drayton one of 50 living individuals who have shaped today’s marketing.

He has worked in 55 countries with many of the world’s greatest brands. These include American Express, Audi, Bentley, British Airways, Cisco, Columbia Business School, Deutsche Post, Ford, IBM, McKinsey, Mercedes, Microsoft, Nestle, Philips, Procter & Gamble, Toyota, Unilever, Visa and Volkswagen.

Drayton has helped sell everything from Airbus planes to Peppa Pig. His book, Commonsense Direct and Digital Marketing, out in 17 languages, has been the UK’s best seller on the subject every year since 1982. He has also run his own businesses in the U.K., Portugal and Malaysia.

He was a main board member of the Ogilvy Group, a founding member of the Superbrands Organisation, one of the first eight Honorary Fellows of the Institute of Direct Marketing and one of the first three people named to the Hall of Fame of the Direct Marketing Association of India. He has also been given Lifetime Achievement Awards by the Caples Organisation in New York and Early To Rise in Florida.


  1. Steve Gibson

    “Hey Mandy!,

    Businesses aren't ATMs to which an inefficient failing government can come and get any sort of bailout or subsidy when it gets itself into trouble. It's not the government's money, it's the businesses'…

    …oh, and one other thing – fuck off, you cunt!”

  2. Rob Willox

    As a subscriber to you blog I invariably both support and agree with your 'rantings'.

    They express a feeling and frustration regarding the self-righteous and condescending behaviour of our politicians and 'leaders' who expect us to believe their utterings and are equally utterly surprised when we don't.

    The only part of your rant that I take some exception to is the last regarding the 'Scot' Andy Murray.

    As a proud Scot, myself, I am equally disappointed in his not getting through but, it appears to be a widely held misconception, that all Scots are anti-English which is simply untrue.

    If there were still any English born competitors left in Wimbledon I would be watching and supporting them against any other opponent, except, of course, if they were playing a Scot. I'm sure the same principle applies for the English as well.

  3. I hope you're right, Rob. But I think this is a real problem.

  4. I feel I need to echo Rob's views.

    However, its a sad reality that I also need to point out that for a significant Scottish minority, Drayton is indeed right.

    There are many Scots that do not share our (perhaps more informed)views. It's certainly something that Alec Salmond and his party play on rather deftly to keep them in office north of the border.

    With devlolution, Bliar and his cronies tugged at the very heart of the Union. Tinkering is rarely a good idea…

    They thought it would bolster their power base, however it back fired fairly quickly (many 'safe labour seats' are no longer guaranteed in what has always been their Scottish heartlands).

    I sincerely hope that Scotland appreciates its place within the Union and does not think it can (or should), go it alone.

    The SNP's 'we could be the next Iceland' argument of old has never been a more frightening thought.

    I just hope our hapless MP's at Westminster don't further play into the hands of the isolationists.

    The BNP shot across the bow already seems to be being brushed under the carpet.

    Politics in this country is in dire straits.

    And I fear our cultural identity is not so far behind…

    PS Murray himself has benefited greatly from a strong team PR savvy behind him, that softened his rather voiciferous views on the Union. Something that made him an easy target.

    At last count, paddypowers 'Brit-o-meter' had Murray at 86% British, 14% Scottish.

    A cute stunt from them, but again, speaks volumes about our cultural identity…

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