Enter left, with Mediterranean tan, smirking, bearing a plastic bag full of souvenirs of Italy, Mr. Jowls:
“Guess what I found quite by accident in the toilets at Silvio’s?”
Mrs. Jowles: “What is it, my masterful legal wizard.”
Mr. Jowles: “It’s £350,000. He won’t miss it.”
Mrs. Jowles: “Why, fancy that! Now I can stop worying about the mortgage and get on with my latest masterly wheeze. “
Mr. Jowles: “What is that, my pulchritudinous little political petal?”
Mrs. Jowles: “To end sexual bias in the Olympics! Why should the men just box other men? Why can’t women join in?”
Mr. Jowles: “Brilliant! Er … shalll I make myself scarce for a bit? People might ask how I happened to find this dosh.”
Mrs. Jowles: “What dosh was that then?”