
My favourite Donald Trump joke

I only know two Donald Trump jokes. One is a book he “wrote” called The Art of the Deal, which was dreadful. The joke was on me because I have a horrible feeling I bought it. The other is about …

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What the BBC does for us all

Did you see how little the top people get paid at the BBC? They should all go on strike until they get as much money as Piggy Hester. Only £800,000 a year for running the thing? What a scandal! Piggy …

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A Serbian Joke

One of my favourite clients is a Serb, but I have never been there. However, my host this week in Romania and Bulgaria has, and told me something that appealed to me. It seems the Serbs are a highly carnivorous …

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Strange use of language

In 1968 my partner’s girlfriend brought me back a present from the US. It was the very first Jackson 5 album – and of course the extraordinary thing about it was little Michael. A sad, sad, tormented life gone. I …

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Pardon me while I throw up …

… with enthusiasm … all over the people who think it reasonable for Mr. Stephen “Piggy” Hester to get paid £9.6 million for sorting out the Royal Bank of Scotland for a year or two. HAS HE EVER RUN A …

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For those who doubt it …

Just after my last exchange with Richard Young who is a real journo and checks his sources unlike me!! I found in The Evening Standard a list of Harvard MBAs who have made their contributions to our economic health. 1. …

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Texas billionaire arrested: strange similarities

Your heart goes out to crooks, it really does. “Sir” Allen Stanford has been arrested accused of orchestrating a $9.2 billion Ponzi fraud in which new investors’ money has been stolen to pay profits to existing clients. The poor bugger …

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No shit, Sherlock

I’ll explain what that pic is doing there in a minute. But first, the crap they write in the papers never ceases to delight and amaze. The Times, which under Ruthless Rupe has probably done more to debase the standards …

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