
Was my client right to scold me? You decide.

Yesterday one of my favourite clients rang me and askd me a question. “How long have you been giving me advice, Drayton?” “Eight or nine years.” “Have I ever given you any advice?” “Er … no.” “Well I am now. …

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I have two left feet. Dancing lessons, anyone?

This is reproduced from something I wrote for Clayton Makepeace’s Total Package. I thought you might like it Anyone who buys this rubbish (some fools will, believe me) deserves what they get Among my favourite politicians is Lord Salisbury, a …

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Ah! This made me feel a bit better

I am better than most at grizzling and feeling sorry for myself, and among the things I moan about most are holidays – and how few I get. Maybe it’s because I’m an old man in a hurry, but forgetting …

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