
We really ARE all at sea

It is my profound conviction that you can put most if not all of the world’s troubles down to sheer pig-ignorance. This was brought home to me for the zillionth time when I watched (under extreme duress, because my partner …

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Introducing new, miracle “Super Nanny” marketing

Sorry. I only put in that ludicrous heading because nowadays everything on the damn web is miraculous and mind-blowing – so I thought I’d join the hustlers. Frankly this is not miraculous OR mind-blowing. It’s actually very simple, but it …

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Yes, it’s true folks. They really ARE a bunch of wankers

You’ve long suspected it. I’ve long suspected it. The custodians of righteousness are a bunch of tossers. According to a report by the Associated Press, “Senior staffers at the Securities and Exchange Commission spent hours surfing pornographic websites on government-issued …

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A world policed by half-wits

As you can imagine, nobody is keener on the protection of birds than I am. But some friends we can really do without, as I was reminded when I read the following by that great scourge of buffoons, Richard Ingrams, …

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Asleep on the job? Surely not.

After a bracing few days pontification at Ken McCarthy’s System Seminar in Chicago, I’m back in Brooklyn to find I have become a grandfather again – though I’m very worried, as young Rowan Drayton is 2 months premature. So we …

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