
A few more jokes

I bet that fooled you. You thought I was going to talk about the Demented Toad’s idea of filling workhouses with teenage mothers — but no, not yet. I got this old faithful which still makes me laugh from my …

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Meanwhile, back in the real world, O Mighty Toad

Fresh from his Bono-Hugs at the Let’s Reward Failure Oscars SuperToad claims that “international action”- one of those specious, vague phrases he loves – has saved 7 million jobs world wide. Even viewed through the distorted lens of official statistics …

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Another total Ballsup from laughing Ed

I just whizzed off to Capri for the wedding of two Italian friends – about which more later on, as I’m a bit of an expert on the matrimonial front – then I looked at the news this morning and …

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A confederacy of dunces … at our expense

Yesterday some experts from a large publicly-owned organisation a few of whose workers spend a lot of time in the pub down the road, sometimes discussing their next withdrawal of labour, visited our basement to tell us how to improve …

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