
Watch out: crackpots about

The lovely Kate, our new amanuensis, just sent me a message headed: You think maybe these people have too much time on their hands? A research company has been paid to find out which biscuit is most likely to cause …

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Latest poll results

Switzerland has the world’s most competitive economy, according to an annual index from the World Economic Forum. America came in second place for the first time since 2004, when the WEF began compiling the data in their current form. In …

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More from the land of Oz

I sent out an email last week to about 9,000 people to find out whether they had any interest at all in my ramblings or just signed up in a drunken moment. The message was not my best, and I …

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Vulgar commerce – or, oh, what a deal!

You will have noticed – because like all my readers you are exceptionally observant – that greed for gold rarely, if ever, soils these pages. On the other hand, you may be disturbed by my lack of business sense. Am …

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Bad language

The picture is of my father, George, one of his sisters and a niece. Handsome, isn’t he? He was also a man of the most sublime eccentricity, and I suspect I am getting more and more like him. He was …

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Best Natural Gas Tankless Water Heaters To Buy in 2018

Rheem RTG 95DVLP Indoor Tankless Propane Show more Product Details You’ll discover a very good to get services and products here additionally Rheem RTG-95DVLP 9.5 GPM Low NOx in-door Direct Vent Tankless Propane Water Heater tankless water heaters truth home-page: …

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