
Jumpin’ up … with the police

Well, yesterday my beloved and I went for a wander round the Carnival, which Metro told her is the largest street festival in Europe. It certainly seems to create the largest collection of empty bottles and assorted rubbish in this …

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What the hell’s happening?

Has my computer gone mad? All of a sudden I’ve been hit by a torrent of Viagra offers, a never ending stream of requests to watch eccentric maidens doing bizarre things with their family pets, and a rich cornucopia of …

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What the hell’s happening?

Has my computer gone mad? All of a sudden I’ve been hit by a torrent of Viagra offers, a never ending stream of requests to watch eccentric maidens doing bizarre things with their family pets, and a rich cornucopia of …

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Journalistic mysteries – and crabs

Some mornings I walk to work. I’ve never managed to get my time below an hour, but I keep trying. Other mornings I catch the tube at Sloane Square, and I’ve never managed to understand what lunatic at News International …

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Well, we pay the stupid pricks

In the never-never land of the public sector what do they do with their time? How come current defence projects are over budget by £35 billion and arrive five years later than expected? Why don’t they notice little babies are …

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Yasmin Ahmad

Today I read of the death of a Malaysian filmmaker I had never heard of before. Her name was Yasmin Ahmad. She made a very short (3 minute) very touching film not long ago, to be seen at She …

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No 1, London – and a hard day out in town

Apart from other people’s holiday snaps – or any chief executive’s PowerPoint presentation – few prospects can be gloomier than hearing about someone else’s party. So only read on if you’d like to plan a perfect day out in London …

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Alcohol-related crime wave

I see the Manchester police have launched a crackdown on alcohol-related violent crime. Yesterday as a prelude to my birthday my radiant companion and her sister planned to take me on a mini-pub crawl from Holland Park to chez nous …

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