A revealing contrast in the “unnoticed” – but don’t these people really take the piss?

My paper this morning gave me not one, but several good laughs.

First there was a picture of Her Majesty the Queen getting – “almost unnoticed” it said – on the train at King’s Cross to go to Sandringham.

Unnoticed by whom I wondered? By the photographers who had sod-all to do yesterday, so thought, “Tell you what, guys, we’ve got nothing much on, so let’s just go down to King’s Cross Station round about 11.30 just in case something interesting happens.”

God, the media make you puke, don’t they?

But they’re just taking us all for idiots; a revealing contrast with the Copenhagen antics of The Obscene Toad who yesterday gaily gave away £6 billion of your money and mine to poorer countries so they can fight global warming and he can feel good.

What a financial wizard the man is! Here we are, the worst placed of all advanced economies because of him, pissing away money hand over fist, printing banknotes, in danger of losing our AAA credit rating … and what could be more sensible than to throw another few billion in the direction of countries run by people whose main skill is stealing money from stupid Western Aid donors?

That’s enough rubbish for today, folks, before I throw up.

About the Author

In 2003, the Chartered Institute of Marketing named Drayton one of 50 living individuals who have shaped today’s marketing.

He has worked in 55 countries with many of the world’s greatest brands. These include American Express, Audi, Bentley, British Airways, Cisco, Columbia Business School, Deutsche Post, Ford, IBM, McKinsey, Mercedes, Microsoft, Nestle, Philips, Procter & Gamble, Toyota, Unilever, Visa and Volkswagen.

Drayton has helped sell everything from Airbus planes to Peppa Pig. His book, Commonsense Direct and Digital Marketing, out in 17 languages, has been the UK’s best seller on the subject every year since 1982. He has also run his own businesses in the U.K., Portugal and Malaysia.

He was a main board member of the Ogilvy Group, a founding member of the Superbrands Organisation, one of the first eight Honorary Fellows of the Institute of Direct Marketing and one of the first three people named to the Hall of Fame of the Direct Marketing Association of India. He has also been given Lifetime Achievement Awards by the Caples Organisation in New York and Early To Rise in Florida.


  1. drayblog@spoharax.com

    Curiously Gilts have made the necessary recovery.

    As for 'printing banknotes': errh…hmmh…kind of worked, to deliver stability.

    Please read The Economist, before you chance your arm on Monetary Policy.

    Kind Regards

    Shannon O'Hara

  2. DaveC

    Dear Drayton

    Please keep pontificating on all subjects. Your wit and experience qualify you.

    It's far to early to tell whether or not the Keynesians and Friedmansians deserve credit for “recovering” us from the mess they created.

  3. drayblog@spoharax.com

    Dear DaveC,

    'Keynesians and Friedmansians'

    We're somewhat beyond that in these days.

    The Domestic and the Global Economy has been re-created beyond their ideas.

    Kind Regards

    Shannon O'Hara

  4. Al

    Hey Dray – who is this Ohara guy? He seems to fancy himself as your resident economist. Seems to me your PG Wodehouse had a colorful term for him: ‘a pompous ass’. Over here we’ve a more direct term: an ‘asshole!'

  5. drayblog@spoharax.com

    ‘O’Hara please!

    I’ve always preferred the term ‘arsehole’ – so much more biting, redolent with meaning and euphonious.

    I'm sure Plum would have preferred it, if he'd ever considered writing for the merely vulgar.’

    Kind regards

    Shannon ohara

  6. Quite right, Al. Shannon O'Hara or ohara as his latest spelling goes is indeed a smug, self-important, malicious and offensive little arsehole. When he worked for me many years ago he performed his duties entirely to his own satisfaction but nobody else's. We should have fired him earlier. He is a sad case, really; he confuses knowledge with intelligence.

  7. drayblog@spoharax.com

    Oh Dear!

    Not Malicious am I!

    I simply puncture the vainglorious and the ill-informed, from time-to-time, on blogs like this.

    Curious, how, over the years at THBW, the various 'firing' moments passed me by.

    “confuses knowledge with intelligence” – not good for someone who eschews clichés.

    “entirely to his own satisfaction but nobody else's” – quote from Scott, I suspect.

    Kind Regards

    Shannon O'Hara

  8. drayblog@spoharax.com

    Oh Dear!

    Not Malicious am I!

    I simply puncture the vainglorious and the ill-informed, from time-to-time, on blogs like this.

    Curious, how, over the years at THBW, the various 'firing' moments passed me by.

    “confuses knowledge with intelligence” – not good for someone who eschews clichés.

    “entirely to his own satisfaction but nobody else's” – quote from Scott, I suspect.

    Kind Regards

    Shannon O'Hara

  9. We also had a phone call from this company (Paul Davenport) in October, stitnag they had sold our timeshare ( as we had been on line looking to sell), and needed a security of a31800 to be taken from our credit card, and upon completion ( when the deeds were collected from us) it would be refunded, they sent us a contract to sign for the sale. As we did not hear from them we contacted them in December to find out when the deal would be closed. Surprise surprise they advised us that the purchaser had pulled out, and a company under their umbrella would be contacting us today re this sale. To sum up we have a amount outstanding of a31800 which they will now hold until our timeshare is sold, which could be anything from 1 month to 12 months. Any advice please.

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