
A tricky situation

man who went to casualty with his penis stuck in a steel pipe had to be cut free by firefighters using a metal grinder. Published: 12:49PM GMT 07 Jan 2010 Medics at Southampton General Hospital could not get the man’s …

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Pepsi gets smart – and not before half time

As my Aussie pal Malcolm Auld first pointed out to me, the largest single discharge of effluent into the U.S. sewage system coincides with the most expensive TV commercials of the year – half time at the Superbowl. This year …

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Feet in the oven, head in the fridge?

The most amusing demolition of statistical tripe may be the joke that if my feet are in the oven and my head in the fridge my temperature may be on average normal. I was reminded of this on seeing that …

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Crazy thinking on Twitter about Wikipedia

I am getting lots of invitations – as no doubt you are – from people to follow them on twitter. Most twitterings are witterings, but since I hardly ever get invited to anything nowadays (sad little chap) I tend to …

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A new year joke. Don’t all laugh at once

I found this in a magnificent book of old Punch Cartoons given to me by my ex-wife and friend Pam. The book has convinced me that few things wear as badly as yesterday’s jokes. But it does contain an enormous …

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