Pru Health

Job: Advertisements and Newsletter

Failure into success across the board.


Their agency was producing results so bad – ten times what they could afford to pay – that the division was in danger of being closed down.

Again, longer copy made the difference, together with a more precise promise rather than the vague waffle they were running previously.

James Perrin from PruHealth says:

“After reviewing the current performance of all marketing creative we have come to the scary realisation that your creative is the only material we have that consistently meets and exceeds its targets. This is scary because if Paul hadn’t the foresight to introduce an agency test into the campaign we would shortly be concluding that the PruHealth direct-to-consumer channel doesn’t work”

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  1. Okay! I am a small Face Painting Business. I have grown every slowly but surely. I facebook market hasn’t turn out very well. Word of mouth is good but could be great. I have increased events like festival, party’s an special events but still I need to improve more. I feel I need to make more money so I take a part time job. That takes me away from my daughter and my goal. Then I get mad with myself and quit the the part time job. Knowing I can do better with my company and I do. But there still needs to be more. I am I single mother at 55 with a 13 old daughter husband past 7 years ago. I took the time for my daughter and to get over the death of my husband because, I have SS coming in. That is when I decided to recreate myself. My daughter was having emotionally problems. They are all good and we are both great emotionally but this is time that I need to see my business grow. Know savings in the bank. Going month to month. I think I can I think I can.

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