
Go and watch this. Absolutely excellent!

This is a short video of a man who just died, Jim Rohn. I heard his name mentioned a few times, never knew who he was. A few things struck me, apart from his extraordinary, folksy charm and wit. 1. …

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Nice one from Rick Fitgerald of Oz

A London Lawyer runs a stop sign and gets pulled over by a Glasgow Copper. He thinks he is smarter than the Cop because he is a lawyer from LONDON and is certain that he has a better education then …

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Is our world coming to an end?

This morning I nearly got run over by a police motor cyclist who was racing down the wrong side of the street to stop the traffic so some high-up’s car could be given precedence. I had just been reading about …

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My idea of hell

I just got one of those emails that remind me how glad I am I don’t work for an “organisation”. It gave “details of our guide to holding reviews for your executive team.” It only takes the words “executive team” …

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