
The man who never had a proper job

Those of you who live in foreign parts won’t relate to this, but there was a controversy not long ago about whether the train robber Biggs should have been released from jail as it looked as though he would die …

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Now why do you suppose nobody believes them?

Years ago I decorated an American Express committee that reviewed their financial services marketing. Fortunately for them someone far wiser was also involved – Lester Wunderman. I always recall him commenting on constant discounting, “You are training your prospects to …

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Shadow over substance …

For years I have been quoting the Duke of Wellington’s reply when somebody asked him to what he owed his victories. He replied, “Attention to detail”. Every day I see things and say to myself, “All grand gestures – no …

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On the matter of social media, this made me smile

I got a tweety message from a guy who wants me to follow him. His description of himself read: “ISMA founding member. Certified Social Media Specialist”. Two thoughts occurred to me. 1. Start worrying when they start an Institute. It …

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