The cloud of unknowing – more damn “creativity” than I need, thank you kindly. Plus Call Centre Frolics

I would be astounded if you hadn’t seen umpteen references to The Cloud.

There have been ads and posters promoting it all over the place. I have actually been benefiting from it unknowingly.

But the one thing I have never seen until now in any of this great creative outpouring is a simple explanation of what it is and why it’s so important.

To find that I had to turn to my favourite source of what’s going on in the world – The Week.

They edited a description in The Guardian down to: “Your data – emails, documents, photos, music are stored remotely on line rather than on your computer’s hard drive so you can access them from anywhere with an internet connection.”

Why didn’t they just say that somewhere in the ads?

On a completely different topic, I keep being asked to enter the European Call Centre and Customer Service Awards.

Is there one for bad targeting? I hope there is for Least Helpful Bank with the Grand Prix for Most Buttons Pressed Before You Talk To A Live Person plus the Special Award for Least Comprehensible Explanation of Something Simple.

Who will win the biggie for Most Impossible Question Asked To Identify Yourself. And what about The System that Caused Most Customers to Smash Their Phones To Bits?

The field is wide open – as it is for my next copy seminar. The one in Bristol had 105 people. One person wanted his money back as it was too advanced. That is the first-ever money back request I think I have ever had. Thank God it wasn’t because it was just bloody awful.

Anyhow, a lot of people who couldn’t come to Bristol have asked if I’d do one in London or somewhere in the North.

If I were able to think today, I could work out what’s best to do – but I can’t. Trying to talk sense and be pleasant from first thing in the morning till late at night is bloody exhausting, believe me.

And in two days I’m doing it all over again in Sofia. I think I’ll go back to bed.

About the Author

In 2003, the Chartered Institute of Marketing named Drayton one of 50 living individuals who have shaped today’s marketing.

He has worked in 55 countries with many of the world’s greatest brands. These include American Express, Audi, Bentley, British Airways, Cisco, Columbia Business School, Deutsche Post, Ford, IBM, McKinsey, Mercedes, Microsoft, Nestle, Philips, Procter & Gamble, Toyota, Unilever, Visa and Volkswagen.

Drayton has helped sell everything from Airbus planes to Peppa Pig. His book, Commonsense Direct and Digital Marketing, out in 17 languages, has been the UK’s best seller on the subject every year since 1982. He has also run his own businesses in the U.K., Portugal and Malaysia.

He was a main board member of the Ogilvy Group, a founding member of the Superbrands Organisation, one of the first eight Honorary Fellows of the Institute of Direct Marketing and one of the first three people named to the Hall of Fame of the Direct Marketing Association of India. He has also been given Lifetime Achievement Awards by the Caples Organisation in New York and Early To Rise in Florida.


  1. Giles

    Great seminar Drayton.

    Learned a heap of practical principles, and met some great people as a bonus too.

    Highly recommended for anyone wanting to write better copy wherever the venue is!

  2. jose

    Hi Drayton

    Thank you, Thank you, Thank you….

    Just Brilliant….Unbelieble people again…..

    I left Valencia Airport, Spain, at midday. It was a beautiful summer day;
    sunny with a clear blue sky and a temperature of 25ºc. I took a small suitcase
    with just the necessaries for the weekend. Glad Bristol Centre Sale Save me!

    Once in Bristol I thought; “How lucky I am”

    You could be in Spain, enjoying the beautiful weather….But thanks good I come from
    to see Mr Draton Bird.

    There are
    two sort of people…the ones they might do things and the ones the do them…Thank you
    Drayton, Thank you Marta, Thank you Giles, Thank you Helen, Thank you Phil, Viva Finland!, Thank you ALL


    Thank you, Thank you, Thank you….

    Just Brilliant….Unbelieble people again…..

    I left Valencia Airport, Spain, at midday. It was a beautiful summer day;
    sunny with a clear blue sky and a temperature of 25ºc. I took a small suitcase
    with just the necessaries for the weekend. Glad Bristol Centre Sale Save me!

    Once in Bristol I thought; “How lucky I am”

    You could be in Spain, enjoying the beautiful weather….But thanks good I come from
    to see Mr Draton Bird.

    There are
    two sort of people…the ones they might do things and the ones the do them…
    Thank you
    Drayton, Thank you Marta, Thank you Giles, Thank you Helen, Thank you Phil, Viva Finland!, Thank you ALL


  3. jose

    sorry long copy works better…

  4. Up North would be perfect… for me.

    Let me know if I can help set it up.

  5. Shannon O'Hara

    ‘Dear Drayton,
    Go North Old Chap! Go North!
    By the way, can I have the money back from a seminar in 2002?
    £105.50, as it happens.
    Same stuff as in 1980, 1990…
    Yours as a Sucker for Punishment
    Shannon O'Hara'

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